Pathology Grand Rounds

Pathology Grand Rounds sessions serve as a platform for the presentation and discussion of topics relevant to the clinical practice of pathology, and may encompass a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Introduction of new and emerging testing/diagnostic modalities and platforms (including digital pathology and artificial intelligence applications).
  • Advancements in diagnostic techniques and practice trends (including molecular pathology).
  • Translational research initiatives bridging laboratory discoveries to clinical applications.
  • Emerging topics related to Pathology training, wellness, and education.
  • Promotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts in clinical practice and patient care.
  • Topics related to patient/practice advocacy, compliance, quality assurance, and patient safety.
  • Leadership development, professionalism, and ethical considerations in pathology practice.

Pathology Grand Rounds occurs on 2nd Mondays, 12:00 PM, Quarterly in October, February, May, & August. Pathology Grand Rounds is free and open to all.  

CME Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss recent developments in pathology practice, focusing on rapidly evolving diagnostic modalities including expanding integration of molecular testing and advances in digital pathology and artificial intelligence.
  • Enhance knowledge of emerging tissue-based biomarkers and new testing modalities to enhance Pathology diagnostics.
  • Become familiarized with evolving educational modalities in pathology, laboratory regulation and leadership principles, ethical considerations, diversity, equity and inclusion and strategies for professional development, promoting excellence and inclusive and ethical practice standards in regulatorily compliant healthcare delivery.
  • Evaluate cost-effective approaches in pathology analysis to optimize resource utilization and improve clinical decision-making.

Accreditation Statement:

Accreditation with Commendation: The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The University of Washington School of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Each session is one credit.

Attendance & CME credit:

In order to be eligible to claim credit for attending Pathology Grand Rounds, attendees must:

  1. ATTEND THE LIVE ACTIVITY (see locations or live streaming link below), and
  2. Track attendance via Text (UW attendees) or via the online sign-in form (non-UW attendees & registered students)

UW attendees track attendance by TEXT for CME & CE credit:

  • One-Time: Text your email address to 833-394-7078 for initial set-up.
  • Weekly: Text code 11278 to 833-394-7078
  • Credit must be recorded via text in the 60 minutes before, during, and up to 60 minutes after the activity concludes.  If you miss the texting window, use “CME Dept Assistance Request Form” on  or email

Non-UW Attendees & students use this form for credit

Participants who are external to the UW Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology can receive CME credit for attending LMGR or watching via the live streaming link, but those people will need to submit an attestation form and payment to the UW CME Office ($45 or less, based on total LMGR hours attended for the academic year) to claim CME credit. Attestation forms are emailed to CME participants each July for the preceding academic year.

All attendees are asked to complete the evaluation form here:  Please provide evaluation feedback for the presenters and to help us track accurate attendance.  Thank you! 


Live activity locations

If you have any questions regarding Pathology Grand Rounds or CME credit, please email, or you can  subscribe or unsubscribe to the Pathology Grand Rounds listserv.

The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at: 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (fax), or e-mail at

Upcoming Events

Recorded Presentations

For past presentations, visit our YouTube channel.