Find Faculty Members By:



Baird, Geoffrey S.

Professor and Chair


Derdeyn, Cynthia A.

Professor and Vice Chair of Research

Gonzalez-Cuyar, Luis F.

Associate Professor and Director and Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology


Mathias, Patrick C.

Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Operations

Medical Informatics, Specimen Procurement

A #

Jacob Abel, MD

Abel, Jacob

Assistant Professor

Genetics & Solid Tumors

Adair, Jennifer E.

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Adamson, Kathi

Clinical Assistant Professor

Adler, David A.

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Akilesh, Shreeram

Associate Professor


Alcorn, Kirsten

Clinical Assistant Professor

Transfusion Medicine

Aldape, Hector C.

Clinical Professor Emeritus

Ally, Feras

Assistant Professor


Altemeier , William

Adjunct Professor

Alvarez, James

Affiliate Associate Professor

James AuBuchon, MD

AuBuchon, James

Professor Emeritus

B #

Baird, Geoffrey S.

Professor and Chair


Balgansuren, Gansuvd

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bankson, Daniel D.

Associate Professor Emeritus


Basha, Basma

Assistant Professor


Bassler, Thomas

Clinical Instructor

Drew Bell, PhD

Bell, Drew

Assistant Professor


Bennett, James

Adjunct Associate Professor

Berletch, Joel

Research Assistant Professor

Beronja, Slobodan

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Bielas, Jason

Affiliate Professor

Bitto, Alessandro

Acting Instructor

Bohling, Sandra

Clinical Assistant Professor

Flow Cytometry

Bornfeldt, Karin E.

Joint Professor

Bowen-Pope, Daniel F.

Professor Emeritus

C #

Campbell, Jean

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Cao, Jianhong

Affiliate Instructor

Carroll, Jeffrey

Adjunct Associate Professor

Chang, Oliver H.

Assistant Professor

Chapuis, Aude G.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Chatrian, Gian-Emilio

Professor Emeritus

Chen, Xueyan

Associate Professor


Cheng, Heather H.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Child, Daniel

Acting Instructor


Charles Childers, MD

Childers, Charles

Clinical Assistant Professor


Chou-Wu, Elaine

Clinical Assistant Professor

Clurman, Bruce

Adjunct Professor

Coombs, Robert W.

Professor Emeritus


Ayumi Corn, MD

Corn, Ayumi

Clinical Instructor


Coyle, Marie B.

Professor Emeritus

D #

Davis, Jennifer

Joint Associate Professor

Delaney, Collene J.

Associate Professor Emeritus

Deng, Xinxian

Research Associate Professor

DePaolo, William R.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Derdeyn, Cynthia A.

Professor and Vice Chair of Research

De Rosa, Stephen C.

Research Professor

Dey, Neelendu

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dichek, David

Adjunct Professor

Dickerson, Jane

Associate Professor


Yanna Ding, MD, PhD

Ding, Yanna

Assistant Professor

Disis, Mary L. (Nora)

Adjunct Professor

Divatia, Mukul

Associate Professor


Doherty, Daniel

Adjunct Professor

E #

Ashley M. Eckel, MD, PhD

Eckel, Ashley M.

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Evans II, Myron

Adjunct Assistant Professor

F #

He Fang, PhD

Fang, He

Assistant Professor

Genetics & Solid Tumors

Fine, James S.

Professor Emeritus

Fink, Susan L.

Associate Professor


Finkel, Gerald C.

Clinical Professor Emeritus


Fowler, John

Clinical Assistant Professor

Frazon, Stephanie

Assistant Teaching Professor

Freedman, Benjamin "Beno"

Adjunct Associate Professor

Frevert, Charles

Adjunct Professor

Fujise, Ken

Adjunct Professor

G #

Gajzer, David

Assistant Professor


Galbraith, Kristyn

Assistant Professor

Genetics & Solid Tumors, Neuropathology

Gallagher, Kenneth

Clinical Instructor

Nikki L. Gentile, MD, PhD

Gentile, Nikki L.

Joint Assistant Professor

George, Evan

Clinical Associate Professor


Gillespie, Anna K.

Assistant Professor

Gimferrer, Idoia

Clinical Associate Professor

Transfusion Medicine

Gonzalez-Cuyar, Luis F.

Associate Professor and Director and Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology


Graham, Brittney

Clinical Assistant Professor

Greene, Dina N.

Clinical Associate Professor


H #

Haas, Joel E.

Clinical Professor Emeritus


Hackman, Robert C.

Professor Emeritus

Josiah Hanson, MD

Hanson, Josiah

Acting Assistant Professor


Harruff, Richard

Clinical Associate Professor

Hawn, Thomas R.

Adjunct Professor

Hellstrom, Ingegerd

Professor Emeritus

Hellstrom, Karl

Professor Emeritus

Hodges, George

Clinical Instructor

Houghton, McGarry

Adjunct Professor

Huu Hien Huynh, PhD

Huynh, Huu Hien

Acting Instructor

Hyun, Teresa S.

Clinical Assistant Professor


I #

J #

Jack, Rhona M.

Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus


Jackson, Nicole R.

Assistant Professor


Jackson, Shaun W.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Jayadev, Suman

Adjunct Associate Professor

Johnson, Lisa

Assistant Professor

Johnston, Christine M.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Yujung Jung, MD

Jung, Yujung

Assistant Professor

K #

Kahn, Steven

Adjunct Professor

Kandhaya Pillai, Renuka

Acting Instructor

Kane, Alice

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Kao, Erica

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bone & Soft Tissue

Kawasumi, Masaoki

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kemp, Christopher

Affiliate Professor

Kemp, Walter (Willy)

Clinical Associate Professor

Kennedy, Scott R.

Associate Professor

Kenny, Margaret A.

Professor Emeritus

Kiem, Hans-Peter

Adjunct Professor

Kiesel, Eric L.

Clinical Associate Professor


Kilgore, Mark

Associate Professor

Breast, Gynecology

Koelling, Raymond

Teaching Associate

Kraemer, Brian

Adjunct Research Professor

Lauren Kroll-Wheeler, MD

Kroll-Wheeler, Lauren

Assistant Professor

Pediatric Pathology

Kurtzman, Robert

Clinical Assistant Professor

Kussick, Steven J.

Clinical Assistant Professor

Kwon, Ronald

Adjunct Associate Professor

L #

Lampe, Mary F.

Associate Professor Emeritus

Lawlor, Elizabeth R.

Adjunct Professor

Le Crone, Carol N.

Assistant Professor Emeritus

Lee, John K.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Lee, Stanley

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Lein, Edward S.

Affiliate Professor

Libby, Stephen J.

Research Associate Professor Emeritus


Lieber, André

Adjunct Professor

Liles, W. Conrad

Adjunct Professor

Limaye, Ajit P.

Adjunct Professor

Liu, Yongjun

Associate Professor | Director, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Pathology Fellowship Program


Liu, Jonathan

Adjunct Associate Professor

Liu, Qinghang (Chris)

Adjunct Associate Professor

Loeb, Lawrence A.

Professor Emeritus

Logani, Sanjay

Clinical Associate Professor

Louzon, Max J.

Associate Teaching Professor

Love, Jason L.

Clinical Associate Professor


Lubin, Micheline

Clinical Assistant Professor

M #

Mahoney, William M., Jr.

Associate Professor

Majesky, Mark W.

Joint Professor

Silvia Marchiano, PhD

Marchiano, Silvia

Acting Instructor

Marcinek, David

Adjunct Professor

Marshall, Desiree A.

Assistant Professor


Maskovyak, Amanda

Clinical Assistant Professor

Mathias, Patrick C.

Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Operations

Medical Informatics, Specimen Procurement

Maves, Lisa

Adjunct Assistant Professor

McElrath, Juliana M.

Adjunct Professor

McEwen, Abbye E.

Acting Instructor

Genetics & Solid Tumors

McGuire, Andrew

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Meissner-Pearson, Natasha

Clinical Assistant Professor

Mendenhall, Alexander R.

Associate Professor

Mikacenic, Carmen

Clinical Associate Professor

Miller, Danny E.

Assistant Professor

Mirzaa, Ghayda M.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Yoshiko Mito, PhD, FACMG

Mito, Yoshiko

Clinical Associate Professor

Genetics & Solid Tumors

Mittenzwei, Rhonda

Clinical Assistant Professor (PTCF)


Moore, Samantha

Assistant Professor

Bone & Soft Tissue, Ear, Nose & Throat, Lung

Morrow, Rhoda A.

Professor Emeritus

Morse, Ryan

Assistant Professor


Morton, Gregory

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Mott, Makinzie

Clinical Instructor

Moussavi-Harami, Farid

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Muraoka, Naoto

Acting Instructor

Myerson, David H.

Associate Professor Emeritus

N #

Naccache, Samia

Clinical Associate Professor

Nara, Jennifer

Clinical Instructor

Narayanan, A. Sampath

Professor Emeritus

Nelson, Peter

Adjunct Professor

Nelson, Nya

Assistant Professor

Newell, Evan

Affiliate Associate Professor

Nghiem, Paul

Adjunct Professor

Nicosia, Roberto F.

Professor Emeritus


Nolan, Amber

Assistant Professor


Norwood, Thomas H.

Professor Emeritus

O #

Shannon Oda, PhD

Oda, Shannon

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Opheim, Kent E.

Associate Professor Emeritus

Oshima, Junko

Research Professor Emeritus

P #

Panch, Sandhya

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Paschal, Cate

Clinical Associate Professor

Patel, Aanand

Acting Assistant Professor

Autopsy, Cardiac, Renal

Patterson, Kathleen

Associate Professor Emeritus

Pattwell, Siobhan

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Pereira, Shalini

Clinical Assistant Professor

Perrone, Lucy

Adjunct Associate Professor

Phipps, William S.

Assistant Professor


Piliponsky, Adrian M.

Adjunct Associate Professor

Polyak, Stephen J.

Research Professor

Porter, Peggy L.

Professor Emeritus

Powell, Clermont S.

Clinical Professor Emeritus

Powers, Joseph D.

Assistant Professor

Preston, Bradley D.

Affiliate Professor

Daniel Promislow, PhD

Promislow, Daniel

Affiliate Professor

R #

Radich, Jerald P.

Adjunct Professor

Raghu, Ganesh

Adjunct Professor

Raisys, Vidmantas A.

Professor Emeritus

Ramirez, Jan-Marino

Adjunct Professor

Rea, Shane

Associate Professor

Reder, Nicholas P.

Clinical Instructor

Daniel J. Reiter, MD

Reiter, Daniel J.

Clinical Assistant Professor

Breast, Gynecology

Rendi, Mara

Clinical Associate Professor

Reyes, Jorge D.

Adjunct Professor

Ricciardo, Sean

Clinical Assistant Professor

Risques, Rosana

Associate Professor

Ritter, Megan

Clinical Assistant Professor

Rogers, David

Clinical Assistant Professor

Rolf, Cristin

Clinical Associate Professor

Rosen, Benjamin J.

Clinical Assistant Professor


Roychoudhury, Pavitra

Research Assistant Professor


Russell, Josh

Acting Instructor

Rutledge, Joe

Professor Emeritus


S #

Sale, George E.

Professor Emeritus

Annie N. Samraj, MBBS

Samraj, Annie N.

Acting Assistant Professor

Autopsy, Gastrointestinal

Sarkar, Surojit

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sarthy, Jay

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Harvey S. Schiller, MD

Schiller, Harvey S.

Associate Professor Emeritus

Schwarze, Ulrike

Associate Professor

Anna Scott, PhD

Scott, Anna

Assistant Professor


Seshadri, Chetan

Adjunct Associate Professor

Shah, Javeed

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Shears, Melanie J.

Research Assistant Professor


Shi, Min

Research Associate Professor

Shneidman, David

Clinical Associate Professor

Shulman, Howard M.

Professor Emeritus

Sidorova, Julia

Research Associate Professor

Silberstein, Lev

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Cory Simpson, MD, PhD, FAAD

Simpson, Cory

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sniadecki, Nate

Adjunct Professor

Soge, Olusegun

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stansbury, Lynn

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Stella, Moritz

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stempien-Otero, April

Adjunct Associate Professor

Stephens, Karen G.

Professor Emeritus

Genetics & Solid Tumors, Microbiology

Stevens, Kelly R.

Associate Professor

Stewart, Tessandra

Acting Instructor

Sumi, S. Mark

Professor Emeritus

Sweetwyne, Mariya

Assistant Professor

Swenson, Paul D.

Affiliate Assistant Professor

T #

Gianna Tansarli, MD, PhD

Tansarli, Gianna

Acting Instructor


Tapscott, Stephen

Adjunct Professor

Termini, Christina

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Tian, Rong

Adjunct Professor

Torbett, Bruce

Adjunct Professor

Truong, Camtu D.

Clinical Assistant Professor


Tsung-Lin Tsai, MD, PhD

Tsai, Tsung-Lin

Assistant Professor

U #

Urfer, Silvan R.

Acting Assistant Professor

V #

Valdmanis, Paul

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Valk, Jacob

Assistant Professor


Van Gelder, Russell N.

Adjunct Professor

VanRegenmorter, Adam

Clinical Instructor

Vasioukhin, Valeri

Affiliate Professor

W #

Wald, Anna

Joint Professor


Walsh, Tomas

Adjunct Research Professor

Walter, Roland B.

Adjunct Professor

Wandler, Anica

Assistant Professor

Wang, Wang

Adjunct Associate Professor

Wang, Nan-Ping

Clinical Assistant Professor

Warren, Edus H.

Adjunct Professor

Wight, Thomas N.

Affiliate Professor

Williams, Timothy

Clinical Associate Professor

Y #

Yarid, Nicole

Clinical Assistant Professor

Yeung, Raymond S.W.

Adjunct Professor

Yin, Liqun

Clinical Instructor

Young, Jessica

Associate Professor

Z #

Zafar, Nadeem

Associate Professor

Zhang, Mancong

Clinical Assistant Professor

Zhu, Jia

Research Professor