Hepatitis B Battery

General Information

Lab Name

Hepatitis B Battery

Lab Code


Epic Name

Hepatitis B Battery


A Battery of tests for Hepatitis B virus markers in human sera by the FDA approved Abbott Architect test method:

  1. Quantitative detection of Hepatitis B virus Surface IgG antibody (HBSAb). Results are reported as mIU/mL.
  2. Qualitative detection of Hepatitis B virus Surface Antigen (HBSAg)
  3. Qualitative detection of Hepatitis B virus Core IgG and IgM antibodies (HBCAb)

Reactive HBSAg tests are confirmed by neutralization assay at no charge. Confirmed positives are reflexed to Hepatitis B Quantitative [HBVQNT] for final confirmation with an additional charge.

For HBSAg testing without reflex testing, see Hepatitis B Surface Antigen without PCR reflex for REACTIVE [HBSAGX].

For ordering individual battery components:

HBSAb, see Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb) [HBSA].

HBSAg, see Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) with reflex to PCR for REACTIVE [HBSAG].

HbCAb, see Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) [HBCA].


HABB, HABC, Hepatitis B Serology


Code Name
HBAG Hepatitis B Surface Antigen w/Reflex
BSAB Hepatitis B Surface Ab
IUAB Hepatitis B Surf Ab Intl Units
BCAB Hepatitis B Core Ab
IN2 Hepatitis B Battery Interp



Chemiluminescence Immunoassay

Reference Range

See individual components

Ref. Range Notes

Per manufacture’s package insert protective level of HBSAb is ≥12 mIU/mL.


Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type



All Locations: 2 tubes required if reflex testing is ordered

Preferred: 5 mL blood in GOLD SST tube plus 5 mL blood in PEARL PPT tube

Also acceptable: 5 mL blood in ORANGE RST or RED TOP tube plus a 5 mL PEARL PPT tube for reflexive testing.

Note: If no PEARL PPT is received, any reflexive molecular testing can be done on GOLD SST, LAVENDER or RED TOP Tube that has not been on automated lines.


requested: 1.0 mL serum
minimum: 0.5 mL serum


GOLD SST tube: Specimens may be stored on or off the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel for up to 3 days at room temperature (15-30°C) or up to 7 days at 2-8°C. If testing will be delayed more than 3 days for specimens stored at room temperature or more than 7 days for specimens stored at 2-8°C, remove serum from the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel and store at -20°C or colder. Avoid more than three freeze/thaw cycles.

PEARL PPT tube: centrifuge within 6 hours of collection and freeze spun PEARL PPT tube at -20°C. Route frozen PEARL tubes to UW SPS -20°C freezer rack 80. [ok to freeze spun pearl top tubes on gel.]

Unacceptable samples: Cord blood, neonatal specimens, cadaver specimens, heat-inactivated specimens, or body fluids such as saliva, urine, amniotic fluid, or pleural fluid. Specimens with obvious microbial contamination or are grossly hemolyzed.


LIS Dept Code

Central Lab Virology (RVIR)

Performing Location(s)

CL Virology, Renton

1602 Raymond Ave SW

Renton, WA 98057-3356

206-685-6656 opt 4



Available STAT?


Billing & Coding

CPT codes

86704, 86706, 87340



Interfaced Order Code
