Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)

General Information

Lab Name

Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)

Lab Code


Epic Name

Candida auris PCR Screen (Sendout)


Useful For: Identifying Candida auris colonization.

Ordering Requirements:

  • Pre-approval required. Testing must be approved by submitter jurisdiction's Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) coordinator prior to sample submission.
  • Provider must place order electronically in the WA DOH Electronic Test Order and Reporting System (ETOR).

Ordering Note: This test available to UW Medicine patients only. See Candida auris PCR Screen [CAPCR] for testing available at UW-MT.


C. auris, Candida auris real time PCR, Candida Screening, Colonization screening


Code Name
RCAUSP Candida auris PCR Specimen
RCAURP Candida auris Real Time PCR Result
RCAURC Candida auris PCR Comment
RCAURL Candida auris PCR Performing Lab



Real-time PCR

Reference Range

See individual components

Ref. Range Notes

Reference Range: Not Detected


Ordering & Collection

Specimen Type



Collection Materials: Nylon-flocked swab (BD Eswab with 1.0 mL Amies Buffer)

Collection Procedure for Single Swabs, Axilla and Groin:

  • Rub both sides of the swab tip over the left axilla skin surface and then the right, targeting the crease in the skin where the arm meets the body.
  • Rub both sides of the groin surface skin at the inguinal crease where the leg meets the pelvic region.
  • Note: Additional patient sampling sites may be considered by WA PHL upon request (Nares, oropharynx, external ear canal, vagina, and rectum).

After collection, promptly submit the sample with a copy of the ARLN electronic order.

  • UWMC Collections: Deliver to UW Montlake SPS (Specimen Processing Services).
  • HMC Collections: Deliver to HMC Microbiology lab.
  • UWNW Collections: Deliver to UW Northwest SPS (Specimen Processing Services).


requested: 1 swab
minimum: 1 swab


Refrigerate samples while awaiting transport. Samples should be forwarded to the state lab immediately to allow for testing within 96 hours.


  • RCAUSP (Candida auris PCR Specimen): <enter the specimen type submitted>
    • For Axilla/Groin swabs, enter: SWAB-AX-GROIN.

HMC Microbiology/UW-MT Sendouts:

  • Transport samples on wet ice with a copy of the ARLN order. Ship as Category B.

UW-NW Cross Hospital:

  • Forward samples to UW-MT Sendouts along with a copy of the completed ARLN requisition.

Stability: Refrigerated: Preferred.

Rejection Criteria: Non-HAI approved samples, does not meet Candida auris screening testing criteria, broken transport device, leaking specimen, requisition form/isolate discrepancies.


LIS Dept Code

Serology Sendouts (SRSO)

Performing Location(s)

Sendout Washington State Public Health Laboratory

1610 NE 150th St.
Shoreline, WA 98155

Other Locations/Notes

State of Washington Department of Health, AR Lab Network:

  • Ph: 206-418-5478
  • Fax: 206-364-0072
  • Email:


Available STAT?

Billing & Coding

CPT codes


