Neuromuscular Diagnostic Service
Our Services
Our comprehensive neuromuscular diagnostic service provides:
Harborview Medical Center
in the Ninth & Jefferson Bldg
Neuromuscular Pathology Section Head
UW Medical Center - Montlake & Harborview Histology Laboratory Section Director
Luis Gonzalez Cuyar, MD
Pathology Requests and Reports
t 206.744.6315
f 206.744.8240 |
Morphological and histochemical analysis including H&E, Gomori's trichrome, PAS, muscle specific ATP, COX, SDH, PFK, and AMPD among others.
Immunohistochemical analysis for the most common defects in sarcolemmal proteins associated with Becker and Duchene muscular dystrophies, autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive limb girdle dystrophies, dystroglycanopathies, and myofibrillar myopathies.
Thick section evaluation with electron microscopy examination.
Nerve biopsies: Complete morphological, histochemical, immunohistochemical nerve biopsy evaluation including electron microscopy and nerve teasing studies.
Available to ship snap frozen specimen for various genetic and biochemical assays.
Please send the specimen to us with a completed Neuropathology Service Request Form, clinical history, and prior neuropathology reports as available.
Handling and Shipping Instructions