Renal Pathology: General Recommendations for Specimen Handling & Shipping
Specimen Preparation
- Three vials needed for each biopsy
- Light Microscopy (LM): Sorenson's fixative
- Electron Microscopy (EM): 1/2 strength Karnovsky's fixative
- Immunofluorescence (IF): Michel's Transport medium
(Discard any vials with ppt.)
Label each with name of patient and date of surgery.
Fill out Pathology Service Request Form.
- Immediately after the biopsy is obtained:
- Place biopsy cores in each of the three specimen bottles.
- If only a single core is obtained, and if IF and/or EM will be essential for establishing the diagnosis, divide in three parts with clean, sharp blade as indicated in the diagram.
- If wedge biopsy, cut in 1-2 mm blocks. Handle all pieces carefully. Avoid crushing.
- Place pieces in containers, as indicated by diagram, as quickly as possible. Priority should be given to: a) light microscopy, b) immunofluorescence, c) electron microscopy.
- Deliver as soon as possible.
- Do not freeze the specimens or ship on dry ice.
Please do not ship for weekend or holiday delivery without prior notification.
Instructions, vials with fixatives and solutions are available from the Renal Biopsy Laboratory, 206.598.6061.
Pathology Service Request Forms Required
Details are on our Contact Information page.