UW Biorepository and Integrated Neuropathology (BRaIN) Laboratory

Our focus: brain aging, neurotrauma, neurooncology, and neurodegenerative disease

Brain injury and disease can be devastating to patients and their loved ones due to severe debilitation and, in many cases, unstoppable progression. So much is unknown about normal brain structure and function, brain aging, injury and disease. But the UW Medicine Biorepository and Integrated Research (BRaIN) laboratory, led by C. Dirk Keene, MD, PhD, is working to perform and support research to understand normal brain anatomy and function and how this changes in injury and disease, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and others.

Our work supports the development of new treatments and preventive strategies to give those affected by brain injury and disease hope. The BRaIN laboratory, a leader in neuropathology research, is built to maximize the ability to study patient brain tissue. Dr. Keene and his team of researchers are actively studying and sharing thousands of samples each year with brilliant and innovative researchers at UW, in our region, and across the country – all working towards cures.

Access our Resource Request Form here.

Our collaborators:

We’ve joined forces with a number of organizations and studies to advance our understanding of brain injury and disease and maximize the research impact of our generous donors. Learn more about our collaborators below.

Our donors:

Brain donation is one of the most precious and valuable gifts that a patient and family can give, with unique benefits. A brain research report provides a family with a definitive neuropathological diagnosis of a loved one and an explanation of symptoms. Importantly, these samples allow researchers to study the link between brain aging, injury and neurodegeneration, and to perform analyses that will identify molecular targets for early detection, treatments, and cures.

C. Dirk Keene, MD, PhD, and Director of the BRaIN Laboratory, discusses one donor's legacy and what his brain tells us about Traumatic Brain Injury.

Matt's Brain from UW Medicine on Vimeo.

If you wish to honor Matt Dahl's legacy in the form of a monetary donation, you may do so from this University of Washington Gifts page supporting neuropathology research.

If you are interested in brain donation, please visit our brain donation page to learn about donation, or contact uwnp@uw.edu to find out more about eligibility.