Transfusion Medicine
Professor | Head, Transfusion Medicine Division | Medical Director of Transfusion Services
Professor | Medical Director of Transfusion Services, Harborview Medical Center
Associate Professor | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service Laboratories UW Medical Center - Montlake and Harborview Medical Center
Assistant Professor | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service Laboratories UW Medical Center - Montlake and Harborview Medical Center
Assistant Professor | Associate Medical Director, Hematology and Coagulation Laboratories | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Services
Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Professor | Director, Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest
Clinical Assistant Professor | Donor Services, Bloodworks Northwest

Idoia Gimferrer, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor | HLA Laboratory, Bloodworks Northwest

Yujung Jung, MD
Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest
Affiliate Assistant Professor | Benaroya Research Institute | Bloodworks Northwest
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Platelet Transfusion Research, Bloodworks Northwest

Tsung-Lin Tsai, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest
The University of Washington’s Transfusion Medicine Division provides transfusion services for Harborview Medical Center (HMC Transfusion Service Laboratory), the University of Washington Medical Center - Montlake and Northwest campuses, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (UW Transfusion Service Laboratory).
Our Mission
To deliver the best transfusion medicine care and to advance the field through innovation, excellence, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Our Vision
To become a transfusion medicine division that is locally and nationally recognized for exceptional patient centered care, outstanding medical education, and innovative research.
We realize this vision by
- Providing timely and safe transfusion support following national standards and federal regulations
- Educating medical trainees from various specialties, nurses, and laboratory scientists, building a foundation of knowledge and expertise in transfusion medicine
- Collaborating with local, national and international organizations exploring novel and meaningful ideas
Our Values
Patient care, quality, safety, transparency, and academic integrity are the pillars of our work.
Resources for Providers
Please see our divisional resources in the uwmedicine intranet for UW Montlake Campus or Harborview Medical Center.
Health Services Managers
UW Medical Center - Montlake: Nina Sen, BB SBB(ASCP)CM (
HMC: Erin Tuott, MLS SBB(ASCP)CM (
Quality and Compliance
UW Medical Center
Manager: Tayler Reeves, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM (
Analyst: Alyssa Oyadomari BS, BB(ASCP) (
Virginia "Gie" Cruz-Cody, CE, CQA(ASQ), CQM(ASQ) (
Transfusion Safety Officer
UW Medical Center - Montlake: Marnie C. Thomas, MSN, RN (
HMC: Naomi Halfaker RN (
The Transfusion Medicine Division provides training for undergraduate and graduate medical laboratory science students, medical students, Clinical Pathology residents and Transfusion Medicine fellows. Please see the Medical Laboratory Science undergraduate program, the MS in Laboratory Medicine & Pathology graduate program or the Transfusion Medicine Fellowship page for more information.