Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship


Theresa A. Nester, MD

Professor | Director, Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest

Kirsten Alcorn, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor | Donor Services, Bloodworks Northwest

Maryam Asif, MD, MBBS

Assistant Professor | Associate Medical Director, Hematology and Coagulation Laboratories | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Services

Idoia Gimferrer, PhD

Clinical Associate Professor | HLA Laboratory, Bloodworks Northwest

Rida A. Hasan, MD

Assistant Professor | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service Laboratories UW Medical Center - Montlake and Harborview Medical Center

John R. Hess, MD, MPH

Professor | Medical Director of Transfusion Services, Harborview Medical Center

Nabiha Huq Saifee, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Yujung Jung, MD

Yujung Jung, MD

Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest

Monica B. Pagano, MD

Professor | Head, Transfusion Medicine Division | Medical Director of Transfusion Services

Daniel E. Sabath, MD, PhD

Professor | Head, Hematology Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology | Chief of Service, Harborview Clinical Laboratories | Laboratory Director, Hematology and Coagulation Laboratories, UW Medical Center - Montlake and HMC

Tsung-Lin Tsai, MD, PhD

Tsung-Lin Tsai, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor | Transfusion Services, Bloodworks Northwest

Hamilton C. Tsang, MD

Associate Professor | Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service Laboratories UW Medical Center - Montlake and Harborview Medical Center


The University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) in partnership with Bloodworks Northwest and Seattle Children’s Hospital, provides a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine.

The fellowship program consists of one year of clinical training as directed by the American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). With successful completion of this year, the fellow should be eligible to sit for the Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine subspecialty board exam administered through the American Board of Pathology (ABP).

Eight months of the year are spent between the University Hospital system including a level 1 trauma center and Seattle Childrens Hospital, a pediatric tertiary care center. The remaining 4 months of the year are spent at Bloodworks Northwest, the regional Blood Supplier. Bloodworks also operates a large, centralized mobile therapeutic apheresis service and several laboratories that include:

  • Transfusion service
  • Immunogenetics
  • Platelet immunology
  • Immunohematology and red cell genomics
  • Cellular therapy

The fellow will participate actively in an on-call schedule for transfusion medicine and therapeutic apheresis consultation. Through exposure to the breadth of areas available in Transfusion Medicine, consultation on multiple complex patients requiring transfusion and apheresis support, and opportunity to learn from multiple transfusion-medicine-certified physicians within Seattle, the fellowship prepares the candidate well for a career in Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine.


Program Goals & Objectives

Typical Schedule


Prior to appointment in the program, fellows must have one of the following: 

1. Successful completion of at least two years of a pathology residency program accredited by the ACGME or of a program located in Canada and accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC); certification by the ABP in anatomic pathology and clinical pathology, or in clinical pathology; or

2. Completion of an ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematology or an ACGME-accredited residency, and certification by a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) in one of the following:  anesthesiology, colon and rectal surgery, internal medicine, neurological surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopaedic surgery, pediatrics, plastic surgery, thoracic surgery. 

Program Aims

  • Empower the fellow to capitalize on the activities available for learning each area of transfusion medicine. 
  • Ensure enough practical experience with consultation to achieve competency by the end of 12 months.
  • Promote continuous quality improvement by involving fellow in quality improvement projects and ensuring fellows have opportunity to practice analyzing data entered into event reporting systems and developing recommendations for corrective and preventive actions.

Stipend & Benefits

Appointment is for one year. Stipend and benefits are based on the schedule for residents at an equivalent level. Fellow is encouraged to apply for extramural funding if additional years of research training are desired.

Board Certification in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine

The Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine fellowship is an ACGME-accredited program that prepares trainees for board certification through the American Board of Pathology (ABPath). Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the certification requirements and exam details:

For More Information

Dr. Theresa Nester
Department of Laboratory Medicine Pathology
University of Washington
Box 357470
Seattle, WA 98195-6100

Application & Instructions for Pathology Fellowships
We do not accept the APC Standard Application Form

If you have questions or problems, please contact our program administrator.

Affiliated Faculty

Jane Huang, MD