Article by Dr. Risques’ Team Selected as Most Impactful in the Field of Women’s Health in 2019

January 21, 2021 in Research

Dr. Risques’ Cell Reports article entitled “Ultra-Sensitive TP53 Sequencing for Cancer Detection Reveals Progressive Clonal Selection in Normal Tissue over a Century of Human Lifespan” was recognized by the Columbia Hospital for Women Research Foundation as one of the most impactful papers in the field of obstetrical, gynecologic, and breast disease in 2019.

The article reports the potential of ultra-accurate sequencing of uterine lavage for ovarian cancer detection but also reveals extensive age-related somatic evolution driven by TP53 mutations. The impact of this work was also highlighted by a commentary in GenomeWeb after the article’s publication. (Subscribe for free to view the paper)

Each year, a selection committee composed of international leaders in the field nominates publications then votes. The 2019 award is shared by Dr. Risques’ Cell Reports article and “Niraparib in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer” from the New England Journal of Medicine. You can learn more about the committee at

Congratulations to the team, including Drs. Loeb and Tretiakova, for this recognition!


Image from Cell Reports. Salk et al., 2019, Cell Reports 28, 132–144