Pediatric Pathology Fellowship


Robyn C. Reed, MD, PhD

Associate Professor | Director, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Program

Bonnie Cole, MD

Associate Professor | Pathologist

Gail H. Deutsch, MD

Professor | Medical Director, Research Laboratory Services

Raj P. Kapur, MD, PhD

Professor | Staff Pathologist, Director of Autopsy Service

Lauren Kroll-Wheeler, MD

Assistant Professor

Nya Nelson, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Cristina Pacheco, MD

Associate Professor | Medical Director of Anatomic Pathology

Christopher M. Sande, MD

Assistant Professor

Program Description

The one-year training program exposes the fellow to a comprehensive and integrated diagnostic approach that unites the clinical and anatomic laboratories. We provide service for a full range of pediatric medical and surgical subspecialties that utilize in-house ancillary methodologies including immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics and cytogenetics, in addition to standard AP and CP laboratory practices. The fellow will also be involved in pediatric and perinatal autopsies and will have the opportunity to oversee rotating pathology residents. The aim is for the graduate to be able to function as an independent practitioner in pediatric patient care. Our staff of thirteen MD's and five PhD's enjoys an outstandingly collegial relationship with each other and our clinical colleagues. 2 positions/year.


Program Goals and Objectives

Program Aims

  • To prepare the fellow to competently and safely practice diagnostic pediatric pathology in an academic or a non-academic setting.
  • Provide a strong consistent foundation of training in pediatric pathology, while allowing enough program flexibility to address the unique background and career goals of the fellow.
  • Train fellows to integrate clinical and laboratory data, medical literature, and effective consultation with other health care professionals into the practice of pediatric pathology.


Applicants should have completed training in an approved residency program in AP or AP/CP and be American Board of Pathology certified or eligible.

Stipend & Benefits

Appointment is for one year. Stipend and benefits are based on the schedule for residents at an equivalent level.

For More Information

Robyn C. Reed, MD, PhD
Seattle Children's Hospital
Dept. of Laboratories, FB.4.510
4800 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Application & Instructions for Pathology Fellowships
We do not accept the APC Standard Application Form

AY2025-26 – full

AY2026-27 – accepting applications via Embark

If you have questions or problems, please contact our Academic Programs Coordinator.

Additional Faculty

Christopher Matthew Sande, MD