Surgical Pathology Fellowship


Paul E. Swanson, MD

Professor | Interim Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program | Service Leader of Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, and Pancreatic Pathology | Director, Gastrointestinal Pathology Laboratory

Eleanor Chen, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Mukul Divatia, MD, MBBS

Mukul Divatia, MD, MBBS

Associate Professor

Rochelle L. Garcia, MD

Professor | Director, Gynecologic Pathology

Verena S. Grieco, MD

Clinical Professor

Mark Kilgore, MD

Associate Professor | Director, Breast Pathology | Director, DLMP Residency Program | Director, Gross and Frozen Room Laboratories

Deepti M. Reddi, MD

Assistant Professor

Daniel J. Reiter, MD

Daniel J. Reiter, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Robert Ricciotti, MD

Associate Professor | Director, Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology Fellowship Program

Maria Tretiakova, MD, PhD

Professor | Director, Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship Program | Director, Immunohistochemistry Laboratories | Co-Chief of Service, Harborview Medical Center | Service Leader of GU Pathology


Surgical pathology fellows at the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) and Harborview Medical Center (HMC) have varied experiences throughout the year. Nine months of the year are spent at UWMC and three months at HMC. Rotations include exposure to consult service (3 months), Surgical Pathology mentor/supervisor, frozen sections, subspecialties (as acting fellows), and elective months in addition to shared administrative responsibilities.


The goals of the Surgical Pathology Fellowship are to:

  • Provide in depth experience in diagnostic anatomic pathology so that the trainee is well trained to practice general surgical pathology.
  • Develop a subspecialty area of interest and expertise to include diagnostic and investigative expertise.
  • Gain administrative experience in working with faculty, staff, junior residents and students in helping to manage an academic diagnostic anatomic pathology service.
  • Gain experience in the education of junior residents, experience graduated responsibility to prepare the fellows for practice (either private/community or academic practice).
  • Extend their ACGME-defined competencies/milestones attained during earlier training in Anatomic Pathology.

The Surgical Pathology Fellowship consists of multiple areas of responsibility:  surgical pathology, diagnostic consultation, junior resident supervision, conference preparation and administration.  This shared responsibility requires that the fellow, as an integral member of the diagnostic staff in Anatomic Pathology, provide accurate, timely, courteous and professional service to UW medicine patients and family members, and other members of the patient’s treatment team. Expectations for every resident, fellow and attending pathologist in Anatomic Pathology are to strive for and maintain excellence in patient care. Teamwork, which is a critical element of quality care, is emphasized throughout the program.  To attain this degree of attention to quality, duties are assigned to the fellow that include (but are not necessarily limited to):

  • Providing backup coverage and/or arranging coverage when the service is at less than a full complement of residents.
  • Answering questions from clinicians that less senior residents are unable to handle, or to refer clinicians to an appropriate attending or consultant.
  • Reviewing slides with less senior residents prior to sign-out when requested.
  • Answering questions from the technical and clerical staff regarding policies and procedures that impact the service.
  • Providing backup for frozen sections and assisting junior residents when they need help in FS room, particularly as surg path mentor or when other help is not available.  
  • Administrative tasks such as making yearly and monthly didactic schedules, organizing resident feedback, etc.

Program Goals and Objectives

Typical Schedule

Program Aims

  • Provide in depth experience in diagnostic anatomic pathology so that the trainee is well trained to practice general surgical pathology
  • Provide opportunities for a subspecialty area of interest and expertise to include diagnostic and investigative expertise
  • Provide experience for fellows to gain administrative experience in working with faculty, staff, junior residents and students in helping to manage an academic diagnostic anatomic pathology service
  • Provide opportunities for fellows to gain experience in the education of junior residents, and graduated responsibility in order to prepare the fellows for practice in either private practice or academic surgical pathology 
  • Provide opportunities for the trainees to extend their ACGME-defined competencies/milestones attained during earlier training in Anatomic Pathology.


Prospective candidates are anticipated to have fulfilled the training prerequisites for certification in Anatomic Pathology as mandated by the American Board of Pathology. This requirement may be waived by the Fellowship Selection Committee for exceptionally qualified international graduate applicants with ECFMG certification.

Stipend & Benefits

Appointment is for one year. Stipend and benefits are based on the schedule for residents at an equivalent level. Fellows are encouraged to apply for extramural funding if additional years of research training is desired.

For More Information

Dr. Paul E. Swanson, MD
Department of Pathology
University of Washington
Box 356100
Seattle, WA 98195-6100

Application & Instructions for Pathology Fellowships

We do not accept the APC Standard Application Form

If you have questions or problems, please contact our Academic Programs Coordinator.