Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Pathology Fellowship
Associate Professor | Director, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Pathology Fellowship Program
Professor | Interim Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program | Service Leader of Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, and Pancreatic Pathology | Director, Gastrointestinal Pathology Laboratory

Mukul Divatia, MD, MBBS
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor

Annie N. Samraj, MBBS
Acting Assistant Professor
Professor Emeritus
Program Description
The gastrointestinal pathology fellow participates in all activities of the GI pathology service. The fellow evaluates gastrointestinal specimens from the University of Washington Medical Center, including liver, small bowel and pancreatic transplant specimens, with the pathology residents under faculty's supervision, and communicates the results to the gastroenterology/surgery/oncology fellow or attending. The fellow has primary responsibility for the evaluation and work up of outside consultation cases (approximately 1,500 annually), including dictation of reports to the consulting pathologist/clinician and responding to telephone calls/pages about the cases.
The fellow is responsible for presenting at hospital-wide clinical conferences and teaching, including liver transplant conference, liver tumor boards, GI Tumor Board, Pancreatic Tumor Board, Pathology QA conference and GI histopathology conference. Each fellow is expected to complete one or more significant scholarly projects. These can be either clinically oriented studies using patient case material, or they can be done in collaboration with researchers and involve laboratory bench work, usually in the area of molecular biology. The latter usually requires an additional year of training and a funding source. 2 positions/year.
Program Aims
- Educate fellows to be competent in diagnosing routine GI and liver pathology specimens and be ready to consult on challenging cases in these disciplines from general pathologists.
- Train fellows on how to refine their investigative skills in scholarly activities, including critically reviewing scientific papers, performing research projects, presenting research results, and writing manuscripts.
- Provide the fellows with teaching opportunities and experience to help them become effective educators.
- Provide guidance to develop fellows’ communication skills when interacting with clinicians.
Prospective candidates are anticipated to have fulfilled the training prerequisites for certification in Anatomic Pathology as mandated by the American Board of Pathology. This requirement may be waived by the Fellowship Selection Committee for exceptionally qualified international graduate applicants with ECFMG certification.
Stipend & Benefits
Appointment is for one year. Stipend and benefits are based on the schedule for residents at an equivalent level. Fellows are encouraged to apply for extramural funding if additional research training is desired.
For More Information
Dr. Yongjun Liu, MD, PhD Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington Box 356100 Seattle, WA 98195-6100 |
Application & Instructions for Pathology Fellowships We do not accept the APC Standard Application Form If you have questions or problems, please contact our Academic Programs Coordinator. |